Allen Corporation products and services are available through either the IDIQ contracts listed below or via direct purchase order to Allen Corporation.

GSA IT Schedule – Contract Number: 47QTCA19D00E9
Allen’s IT Schedule 70 delivers federal, state, and local customer agencies the tools and expertise needed to shorten procurement cycles, ensure compliance, and obtain the best value for innovative technology services and solutions.

Human Capital and Training Solutions (HCaTS): GS02Q16DCR0003
Allen Corporation of America (Allen) is proud to partner with the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to provide Federal civilian and Department of Defense agencies professional services and best-in-class professional and Management Development Training services (HCaTS Key Service Area 1). Under this service area agencies can obtain a wide-range of customized training and organizational performance improvement products and services designed to enhance workforce productivity and effectiveness.

Enhanced Army Global Logistics Enterprise Program (EAGLE) Contract Number: W52P1J-17-G-0060
The Army Sustainment Command (ASC), as the Army Materiel Command’s (AMC) executive agent for field support, supports the Materiel Enterprise by providing for all aspects of the Army’s multi-faceted supply, maintenance and transportation efforts – both CONUS and OCONUS. These efforts directly and indirectly support preparing forces for deployment, sustainment and redeployment in current conflicts, reset forces and rebuild readiness for future deployments and contingencies in order to meet the demands of a persistent conflict in the 21st Century. Services are contemplated for both Contiguous United States (CONUS) and Outside the Contiguous United States (OCONUS) operating environments to include areas in conflict and contingencies. Customers for these efforts may include Department of the Army, Coalition partners, joint bases, foreign Governments and other Department of Defense agencies. Functional and programmatic services may be required by any Army organization, at any level, including Army Commands (ACOM), Army Service Component Commands (ASCC) and Direct Reporting Units (DRU) as well as other U.S. Agencies, Coalition partners, joint bases and foreign Governments with whom the Army has entered into an agreement.
As an EAGLE small business prime BPA holder Allen Corporation is able to provide a wide-range of logistics related services to DoD and their U.S. and foreign partners.

DLA J6 Enterprise Technology Services (DLA JETS)
This is a multiple award Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity contract to provide support for Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Information Operations J6 near-term and future demand for Enterprise IT Solutions. This contract provides a full range of IT services, technical and management expertise, and solution-related enabling products. Support includes information technology solutions, technical support, maintenance and sustainment; operations support; application development, maintenance and technical support; and lifecycle management. Allen Corporation is a subcontractor on this IDIQ.
TACOM Strategic Service Solution (TS3) – KBS and ERS
TACOM Strategic Service Solutions (TS3) is a Multiple Award Indefinite-Delivery Indefinite-Quantity (MA IDIQ) contract that provides scope coverage for the following four primary Portfolio Groups: Knowledge Based Services, Equipment Related Services, Facility Related Services, and Research and Development (R&D) Services. Allen Corporation is a subcontractor for KBS and ERS. KBS Allows for the procurement of services which primarily relate to tasks involving program or project management and administration, and the furnishing of professional advice or assistance, engineering and technical services, logistics management services, management support services, and professional services. ERS supplements the Army workforce for “non-professional” disciplines in General Warehousing and Storage, Facilitates Support Services, Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul, Equipment Modification, and Supply Chain Management.

Responsive Strategic Sourcing for Services (RS3)
Supports the Department of the Army, Army Materiel Command (AMC), Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM) requirement for Strategic Services Sourcing 2nd Generation (S32G) services for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) customers and a continuing requirement for rapid response (R2) services to support critical systems requirements for the Command and Control (C2) Systems Integration Directorate (C2SID). Allen Corporation is a subcontractor on this IDIQ.