The Logistics Services Division manages the Hardware Software Integration Facility (HSIF) in Chester, VA. The HSIF provides warehouse operational services and hardware software integration support to Product Manager, Global Combat Support System-Army (PM GCSS-Army) managed product lines.

The HSIF is responsible for the receipt of computer components, integration of components into system configurations, system and component storage, and the issuing/shipment of complete functional computer systems and components in support of requirements for Army Tactical Logistics Systems. These systems are combat essential systems for all Army tactical organizations. Allen personnel perform: Integration, Configuration Control, Diagnostic Testing, Software Loading, Functional Testing, Application of Software Patches and Security Updates, Component Replacement of Computer Hardware and Peripherals, Hardware Testing, Media Reproduction and Distribution, and Maintain Distribution Lists. In addition, the HSIF ships equipment worldwide to Army customers in accordance with Required Delivery Dates (RDD) set by the system managers.
For more information please contact us.